
  1. 論文 等
    1. 1998.5; H.Shirai,H.Sato and E. Heyman; "Transient impulsive response from an interface between two media -Spectral theory of transients analysis-"; 中央大学理工学研究所論文集,vol.3,pp.37-47. 「1997理工研補」
      [Abstract]: The transient field excited by an impulsive line source near a dielectric half space is solved and analyzed via the spectral theory os transients (STT). In this formulation, the field is described as a spectral integral comprising an angular superposition of time-dependent plane waves. Via function-theoretic thechniques, this STT integral is evalluated exactly, giving rise to closed-form field solutions which agree with those derived via the Cagniard-de-Hoop technique. The STT formulation however provides a flexible framework that could also be used for wave fields in inhomegeneous media or for collimated wavepackets. We use the reflected and transmitted fields, including the pulsed evanescent wave and the head-wave contributions.

  2. 国際会議発表 等
    1. 1998.6; R. Sato, H. Shirai; "EM scattering analysis by a loaded trough on a ground using the SIBC," Proc. of 1998 IEEE AP-S Intenational Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science URSI Meeting, pp.2152-2155, Atlanta, GA, USA.
    2. 1998.9; H. Shirai, K. Watanabe, N. Hasegawa, and H. Sekiguchi, ``High frequency analysis of plane wave scattering by finite parallel plane waveguide cavities," Proc. of 1998 Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Antennas, Propagation, Electromagnetic Compatibilities, and Electromagnetic Theory, pp.137--140, Pusan, Korea.
    3. 1998. 9; H. Shirai, K. Hashiguchi, R. Sawai, M. Makino, A. Taguchi, and S. Shinoda, ``Electromagnetic wave propagation down the urban canyons of high rise buildings,'' Proc. of The 3rd International Symposium on Multi-DimensionalMobile Communications, pp.348--351, Menlo Park, CA, USA.
    4. 1999. 2; H. Shirai; "High frequency propagation prediction and estimation for wireless communication systems," Proc. of 1999 IEEE MTT-S Intenational Topical Symposium on Technologies for wireless applications, pp.117-120, Vancouver, CANADA.
    5. 1999. 3; M. Makino, Akira Ohsaki, S. Shinoda and H. Shirai ``A visual simulation of ray propagation for wireless communication systems,'' Proc. of The '99 International Symposium on Teletraffic Modeling of Mobile MultimediaCommunication systems, pp.134-137, Inchon, Korea.
    6. 1999. 3; H. Shirai, K. Watanabe, N. Hasegawa; "RCS analysis of plane wave scattering by finite parallel plate waveguide cavities," Proc. of 1999 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, pp.673, Taipei, Taiwan.

  3. 学会,研究会発表 等
    1. 1998.9; 若柳 晴彦,浜田 哲也,渡辺 聡一,多氣 昌生,白井 宏,山中 幸雄, 「高周波曝露時における人体頭部局所SARに対する耳翼の影響に関する実験的検討」 信学技報,EMCJ-98−41,pp.7−14.
    2. 1998.10; 白井 宏,篠田 庄司,牧野 光則,田口 東,橋口 弘一,澤井 亮; 「高層ビルの谷間における電磁波伝搬」, 第2回”統合型地理情報システム”シンポジウム予稿集, 私立大学ハイテクリサーチセンター(中央大学理工学研究所), pp.69-72.
    3. 1998.11; 佐藤 亮一,白井 宏; 「SIBCを用いた媒質装荷方形溝による散乱電磁界の近似解析」 電磁界理論研究会資料, Vol.EMT-98-101, pp.105-110.
    4. 1999.3; 若柳 晴彦,浜田 哲也,渡辺 聡一,多氣 昌生,白井 宏,山中 幸雄; 携帯電話によるMW曝露時における人体局所SARのピーク値に対する耳翼の影響に関する実験的検討, 1999年電子情報通信学会総合大会 講演論文集,Vol.B-4-12, p.293