白井研究室の研究業績 2024年度(令和6年度)


  1. 論文 等
    1. 2024.5; D. M. Nguyen, H. Shirai and S. Y. Kim, ``An Extension of Physical Optics Approximation for Dielectric Wedge Diffraction for a TM-Polarized Plane Wave," IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. E107-C, No. 5, pp.115-123, May 2024.
      [Abstract] In this study, the edge diffraction of a TM-polarized electromagnetic plane wave by two-dimensional dielectric wedges has been analyzed. An asymptotic solution for the radiation field has been derived from equivalent electric and magnetic currents which can be determined by the geometrical optics (GO) rays. This method may be regarded as an extended version of physical optics (PO) The diffracted field has been represented in terms of cotangent functions whose singularity behaviors are closely related to GO shadow boundaries. Numerical calculations are performed to compare the results with those by other reference solutions, such as the hidden rays of diffraction (HRD) and a numerical finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. Comparisons of the diffraction effect among these results have been made to propose additional lateral waves in the denser media.
      DOI: 10.1587/tranele.2023ECP5027

  2. 国際会議発表 等
    1. 2024.7.15; C. M. Bui and H. Shirai, ``Effect of Glass Window on Vertically Polarized Plane Wave Scattering by a Building," To be presented in 2024 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Florence, Italy.
    2. 2024.9.2; C. M. Bui and H. Shirai, ``Experimental Validation of an EM Scattering Formulation for Buildings with Multiple Windows," To be presented in the 25th edition of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2024), Lisbon, Portugal.
    3. 2024.9.2; D. M. Nguyen and H. Shirai, ``A study on lateral wave for edge diffraction of electromagnetic wave by dielectric wedges," To be presented in the 25th edition of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2024), Lisbon, Portugal.

  3. 国内学会, 研究会発表 等

  4. 博士論文

  5. 修士論文

  6. 卒業論文

  7. その他