

日 時:平成12年7月7日(金)14:00〜17:00

場 所:日本学術会議第4部会議室(6階)




資 料:

 9-0    電波科学研究連絡委員会議事次第(第17期、第9回)

 9-1    電波科学研究連絡委員会(第17期、第8回)議事録(案)

9-2           電波科学研究連絡委員会名簿

9-3           学術会議第132回総会への報告

9-4           第17期研究連絡委員会の活動状況に関するアンケート

9-5           国際学術団体及び国内対応委員会の活動に関する調査票

9-6           第18期電波研連委員候補者の推薦について

 9-7    AP-RASC'01準備状況について

 9-8-S  SCOSTEP 専門委員会報告

 9-8-B         B分科会活動報告

 9-8-C  C分科会活動報告

 9-8-D         D分科会活動報告

 9-8-E  E分科会活動報告

 9-8-F  F分科会活動報告

 9-8-G  G分科会活動報告

 9-8-H  H分科会活動報告

 9-8-J  J分科会活動報告

9-8-K  K分科会活動報告

9-9    URSI本部からの連絡


議 題:








 松本委員(URSI会長)から、@通信に関する科学委員会のDelogne委員長が、各Commission Chairsからの反応がないこともあり、辞意を表明。後任はShapira副会長が検討中、AICSUにおいてはUnionよりもNational Memberの意見が尊重される傾向があり、いくつかのUnionから問題点が指摘されている、B5月10〜13日にGentにおいてURSI役員会が開催され、その際マーストリヒト次期総会会場の視察が行われた、等の報告がなされた。


4. 経過報告

 (1) 学術会議第132回総会への報告(資料9-3)

 (2) 第17期研究連絡委員会の活動状況に関するアンケート(資料9-4)

 (3) 国際学術団体及び国内対応委員会の活動に関する調査票(資料9-5)


 (4) その他



5. 第18期電波研連委員候補者の推薦について(資料9-6)










(1) 研連として、各分科会の分野にわたったシンポジウム開催を検討すること。

(2) 運営の方法を改善し、より有効な研究連絡の場としていくこと。

(3) URSI本部の運営にも、引き続き積極的に寄与していくこと。

(4) National Reportの電子化を検討すること。



(1) AP-RASC01成功へ全力をあげること。

(2) SCT (Scientific Committee on Telecommunications) に関する議論を深めること。

(3) 引き続き、URSI本部の活動に寄与できる人材を育成すること。

(4) 運営の方法を改善し、より有効な研究連絡の場としていくこと。

(5) 電波科学に関するIncentiveを高める具体的なActivityを検討すること。







 8.1 SCOSTEP専門委員会(資料9-8-S):

  8.1.1 第17期第10回SCOSTEP専門委員会(平成12年6月9日開催)

(1) 小委員会等の活動報告




(2) 各機関等報告







(3) 議題

 (a) SCOSTEP長期計画(2003-2012年)について



SCOSTEPは惑星科学推進のためだけにあるのではなく、主目的は太陽・地球系を中心としたSTPの推進にある。STEP, S-RAMPとの違いをだすために惑星科学を入れるのはよいが、これが前面にでるとSCOSTEP側は困るのではないか。



 (b) 次期SCOSTEP専門委員会委員構成について

・地球電磁気研連1名、協議決定3名とすることが決定された。従って、次期の委員構成は次のようになる: 気象研連1、電波研連2、天文研連1、宇宙空間研連1、地球電磁気研連1、協議決定3(合計9名)

・次期委員としてSCOSTEP Bureauメンバー、LRPC関係者、現委員など4名程度を推薦することになった。


 8.2 A分科会(Electromagnetic Metrology):口頭報告のみ


 8.3 B分科会(Fields and Waves)(資料9-8-B):

  8.3.1 国内海外活動 

(1) 1999 Microwave Workshops and Exhibition (MWE'99), IEICE, December 7-9, 1999, Yokohama, Japan

(2) 「計算電磁気学の基礎とその応用」セミナー(第2回),電気学会EMT技術委員会/電子情報通信学会EMT研究専門委員会共催,2000.1. 27-28,会場:日大理工学部

(3) IEEE Phased Array Systems and Technology, IEEE AP-S, May 21-25, Dana Point, USA

(4) Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation (AP2000), ESA, IEE, IEEE, April 9-14, 2000, Davos, Switzerland

(5) PIERS 2000、EM Academy, July 5-15, Boston, USA

  8.3.2 今後開催/計画の会議等

(1) 2000 IEEE AP-S Symposium, Salt Lake, Utah, 2000.7.16-21

(2) アンテナ伝播国際会議(ISAP 2000)電子情報通信学会 (AP研) 2000.8.22-25, 福岡

(3) 2000 Japan-China Joint Meeting on Optical Fiber Science and Electromagnetic Theory (OFSET 2000), 2000.12.4-6, Osaka University Convention Center

(4) 2001 IEEE AP-S Symposium, Boston, 2000.7.8-13

(5) 20001 URSI EM Symposium, British Colombia

(6) PIERS 2001、PIERS国内委員会、2001.7.18-22, 大阪CIETC

(7) 2002 IEEE AP-S Symposium, San Antonio, TX, 2001.6.16-21

(8) 2002 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, 電子情報通信学会, 京都国際会議場

  8.3.3 URSI-Bにおける活動

(1) 2001 URSI EM Symposium, British Colombia, Canada 進捗状況

(2) Commission B Disk, 2004 URSI EMシンポジウム招致不成功

  8.3.4 2001 AP-RASCへ向けての準備

(1) B分科会より、奥野洋一氏(熊本大)


 8.4 C分科会(Signals and Systems)(資料9-8-C):ISSSE01の紹介


 8.5 D分科会(Electronics and Photonics)(資料9-8-D):

  8.5.1 関連国際会議

(1) The 7th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology (FST 2000), June 29-30, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan

(2) 5th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2000), July 11-14, 2000, Chiba, Japan

(3) Optical Amplifier and Their Applications/Integrated Photonics Research (OAA/IPR 2000), July 9-15, 2000, Quebec, Canada


 8.6 E分科会(Electromagnetic Noise and Interference)(資料9-8-E):

  8.6.1 Following Domestic Conferences and meetings were (or will be) cooperated with Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan or IEICE Japan

(1) IEE Japan organized a technical committee of EMC from the aspects of Electrical Power Engineering. This committee is held regularly every two month. The period for activity is from June 2000 through December 2002.

(2) The annual Conference of Society of Atmospheric Electricity will be held July 13 and 14 in Akita. Forty-five papers will be presented, and over 60 participants will be expected.

(3) International Workshop on High Voltage Engineering, Nov. 1 -2, 2000, Tottori City, Japan will be held by IEEJ

(4) On March 21, April 18, May 17 and June 22, the technical committee meetings on EMC organized by IEIC were held at Kikai-Sinko-Kaikan, Kyushu Tokai University and Fukui University of Technology, respectively. The numbers of presented papers were 8, 9, 11 and 6, respectively.

  8.6.2 International Conferences and Meetings

(1) The second Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM 2000) was held on May 3-7, 2000 at Qianhe Hotel, Shanghai, China.

(2) EURO Electromagnetics was held from May 30 to June 2, 2000 at Edinburgh, UK.

(3) 15th International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility was held from June 27 to 30, 2000 at Wroclaw, Poland.

(4) 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from August 21 to 25, 2000 at Washington DC, USA.

(5) 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from September 11 to 15, 2000 at Brugge, Belgium.

(6) 14th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held during February 20 22, 2001 at Zurich, Switzerland. Preliminary manuscript not exceeding 3600 words received by July 1, 2000, Notification of acceptance by September 15, 2000.

(7) The progress in electromagnetics research symposium (PIERS 2001) will be held on July 18 22, 2001 at Cosmosquare International Education and Training Center, Osaka.

(8) 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from August 13 to 17, 2001 at Montreal, QC, Canada. Send three copies of the abstract and summary to IEEE/EMC Montreal 2001, JPdL Destination Management 1555 Peel, Suite 500, Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3A 3L8. Submissions must be received by Monday, October 16, 2000.

(9) Fifth International Workshop on Physics of Lightning (IWPL) will be held from September 10 through 13 in Nagoya. Submissions must be received by December 1, 2000.


 8.7 F分科会(Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing)(資料9-8-F):

  8.7.1 URSI-F 国内会合

(1) 第443回 平成12年4月21日(金)、東京工科大学 参加者 20名 

(2) 第444回 平成12年5月11日(木)〜12日(金)、大阪電気通信大学(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝播研究会、衛星通信研究会、 IEEE AP-S Japan Chapterと共催)

(3) 第445回 平成12年6月23日(金)、KDD研究所 参加者 25名

  8.7.2 今後の開催予定

(1) 第446回 平成12年7月26日(水)〜28日(金)、室蘭工業大学(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝播研究会、マイクロ波研究会、衛星通信研究会、IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter と共催)

(2) 第447回 平成12年8月18日(金)、NASDA/EORC (PI SAR Workshopプログラム, IEEE GRS Japanと共催)

(3) 第448回 平成12年10月12〜14日、佐渡ニューホテル(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝播研究会、無線システム研究会、宇宙航行エレクトロニクス研究会、IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter と共催 )

(4) 第449回 平成12年11月9日、YRP移動通信基盤技術研究所

(5) 第450回 平成12年12月15日、郵政省通信総合研究所

  8.7.3 今後開催予定の関連国際シンポジウム

(1) PIERS 2000 (Cambridge, MA, USA, 5-14 July, 2000)

(2) IGARSS 2000 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 24-28 July, 2000)

(3) The Fifth International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (ISAPE 2000) (Beijing, China, 15-18 August, 2000)

(4) 2000 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2000) (Fukuoka, Japan, 22-25 August, 2000)

(5) 25th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves (Beijing, China, 12-15 September, 2000)

(6) The 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT2000) (Beijing, China, 14-16 September, 2000)

(7) The 11th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2000) (London, UK, 18-21 September, 2000)

(8) The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000-Fall) (Boston, MA, USA, 24-28, September 2000)

(9) The EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing (EUROPTO) (Barcelona, Spain, 25-29, September 2000)

(10) 2000 IEEE AP-S Conference on Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication (APWC2000) (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, 6-8 November, 2000)

(11) The 7th International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) 2000 (Singapore, 20-24 November, 2000)

(12) IEEE GLOBECOM 2000 (San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 November - 1 December 2000)

(13) 2000 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2000) (Sydney, Australia, 3-6 December, 2000)

(14) IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC '2000) (Hyderabad, India, 17-20 December, 2000)

(15) Eleventh International Conference on Antennas and Propagation (ICAP2001) (Manchester, UK, 17-21 April, 2001)

(16) The IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2001-Spring) (Tel-Aviv, Israel, Spring 2001)

(17) 2001 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (Victoria, BC, Canada, 13-17 May, 2001)

(18) 2001 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (Victoria, Canada, May 13-17, 2001)

(19) 2001 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, 8-13 July, 2001)

(20) PIERS 2001 (Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July, 2001)

(21) 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC'01) (Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 August, 2001)

(22) IGARSS'01 (Sydney, Australia, Date TBD, 2001)

(23) The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2001-Fall) (Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Fall 2001)

(24) 2002 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (San Antonio, Texas, USA, 16 June-21 June, 2002)

(25) IGARSS'02 (Toronto, Canada, 24-28 June, 2002)

(26) IGARSS'03 (Toulouse, France, Date TBD, 2003)

(27) 2004 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Monterey, CA, USA, 20-24 June, 2004)

(28) IGARSS'04 (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September, 2004)

(29) IGARSS'05 (Seoul, Korea, TBD, 2005)

(30) IGARSS'06 (Colorado, USA, TBD, 2006)


 8.8 G分科会(Ionospheric Radio and Propagation)(資料9-8-G):

  8.8.1 International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)

URSI/COSPAR IRI News (March and July 2000) was distributed to more than 300 ionospheric scientists all over the world.

  8.8.2 Scientific Satellite and Rocket

The Akebono satellite has been observing the ionosphere and magnetosphere for 11 years. The Nozomi satellite will arrive at the Martian orbit in February 2004.

Two small sounding rocket (MT-135) for ozone measurements will be launched from Uchinoura in September 2000. A sounding rocket S-520-2 will be launched from Spitzbergen in November 2000 to explore phenomena in the high-latitude dayside ionosphere. The EISCAT radars will be operated during its flight.

  8.8.3 Recent Movement of Ionospheric/Thermospheric Researches

In recent years in Japan, various kinds of instruments have been simultaneously used to observe the ionosphere and thermosphere. They are ground-based MF/HF/VHF radars, radio receivers, optical sensors, and GPS receivers, in addition to sounding rockets, oriented to the ionosphere / thermosphere / mesosphere studies. Such multi-instrument observations are very important to construct a whole picture of the ionosphere, to find new facts, and to further the studies of the coupling between the thermosphere and lower atmosphere and between the mid-latitude and high-latitude thermospheres.

In June the Communications Research Laboratory constructed a new facility at Wakkanai (45 deg. N) to monitor atmospheric disturbances below 100 km and low-latitude auroras by using radar and optical equipment. Massive data obtained will be distributed to research organizations/groups through a computer network that will be operated by a planned laboratory (Multi-Media Virtual Laboratory).

  8.8.4 International Scientific Meeting

(1) PIERS 2000, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp., Massachusetts, July 5-14, 2000

(2) 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, July 16-23, 2000

(3) First S-RAMP Conference, Sapporo, October 2-6, 2000

(4) International EISCAT Workshop, Tokyo, July 23-27, 2001

(5) IAGA, Hanoi, August 18-30, 2001


 8.9 H分科会(Waves in Plasmas)(資料9-8-H):

  8.9.1 Research Projects and Budgets

The NOZOMI spacecraft is on the cruising orbit to Mars. The insertion to the Martian orbit is scheduled in January 2004. Observations of dc magnetic field,
  dust counter, ultraviolet imaging and the low energy plasma particles, high energy plasma particle have been successfully carried out around Earth and  in the interplanetary space. The telemetry bit-rate is 2-4 kbps.

(R-2) SS-520-2 Rocket

The construction of the plasma wave receiver and sensors onboard the SS-520-2 rocket of ISAS has started. This rocket will be launched at Norway in 2000. One of the main objectives of this rocket experiment is to study the acceleration mechanism of ions due to  wave-particle interactions in the polar cusp region.
The GEOTAIL spacecraft has been operated without any major troubles. The spacecraft is expected to be in a good condition at least until the next long eclipse in 2001.
(R-4) EXOS-D
The EXOS-D (Akebono) spacecraft has attained the 11 years of successful operation without any major troubles.
  The regular data acquisition is expected to be continued for at least one more year at stations in Japan, Sweden and Canada, although the data acquisition at Syowa Station, Antarctica will be terminated in autumn 2000.
  HF radars at Syowa Station, Antarctica

Syowa East radar, looking east of Syowa Station, are operating in continuous basis since Feb. 1997 and collecting good quality of echoes from a long distance up to 3000 km. Syowa South radar has been operating since Feb. 1999. Sensitivity was degraded since October, 1999 due to trouble in T/R switches, but it was recovered in March, 2000 and good quality of echoes has been obtained. The antennas for interferometric observation are ready in February 2000 and the interferometric observation will start in February 2001. These two radar are components of the international HF radar network, SuperDARN. Special campaign observation has been carried out in 2000 in collaboration with Geotail satellite, EISCAT radar, ground-based optical observations in Svalbard and at South Pole and Zhongshan Station in Antarctica.
(R-6) MF radar at Syowa Station

MF radar at Syowa Station has been operating since April,1999. The interference from HF radars, whose antennas are located several hundreds of meters from MF radar antenna, was cleared away in January, 2000 by installing high pass filters at each transmitter of the HF radars.  The MF radar detects wind data of fairly good quality in the altitude range from 100 km down to 50 km at times, and gravity waves and tides are extracted from these data. It is also possible to observe meteor echoes in the altitude range above 100 km, and wind fields are also to be given there.
(R-7) A new ELF wave observation at Syowa Station
A new ELF observation instrument has been operated at West Ongul Island near Syowa Station since January, 2000 to observe electromagnetic radiations from global lightning activities. The data is telemetered to Syowa Station and it is free from EMI of Syowa Station. Very clear Schumann resonance has been recorded. The sensor consists of two search coils to detect horizontal magnetic components with an observation range of 0.01-500Hz.

  8.9.2 Domestic Workshops

(1) KDK Symposium on Radio Science and Computer Experiments, Kyoto, March 22-23, 2000.

(2) Joint Assembly of Japanese Societies of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, Tokyo, June 25-28, 2000.

  8.9.3 International Conferences and Workshops

(1) EGS General Assembly, April 25,29, 2000, Nice, France

(2) Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 27-30,2000, Tokyo, Japan
  8.9.4 Future Meetings

(1) 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-23, 2000, Warsaw, Poland

(2) The 24th Symposium on coordinated observations of the ionosphere and the magnetosphere in the Polar Regions, August 1-2, 2000, Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan

(3) ISAP2000,21-25 August,2000,Fukuoka, Japan

(4) International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics: IWSE2000 Chofu Tokyo Japan

(5) First S-RAMP Conference, October 2-6, 2000, Sapporo, Japan

(6) 108th General Assembly of Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS), Tokyo, November 20-23, 2000.

(7) AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2000,  San Francisco Calif., U.S.A.

(8) Plasma Science Symposium 2001 (PSS-2001)/The 18th Symposium of Plasma Processing  (SPP-18), Kyoto, January 24-26, 2001.

(9) SuperDARN workshop, May  21-25, 2001, Rome, Italy.

(10) 25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), July 17-22, 2001, Nagoya, Japan.

(11) IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, 18-30 August 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam.

(12) AP-RASC'01, August 1-4, 2001,Tokyo, Japan


 8.10 J分科会(Radio Astronomy)(資料9-8-J):

  8.10.1 Meetings and Conferences

A. Domestic

 No meetings

B. International

(1) SPIE's Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Radio Telescopes II Conference, 27 March - 1 April, 2000, Munich, Germany, URL: http://www.spie.org/info/as

(2) ITU-R WRC-2000, 8 May 2 June, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey

World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) on frequency allocation is held every 2-3 years. Radio Astronomy community has been proposing re-allocation above 71 GHz, and it was so approved. It took into account the new molecular lines and satellite services, which have been developed since the former allocation in 1979.  Allocations above 275 GHz will be discussed in the future WRC.

  8.10.2 Future Meetings and Conferences

(1) IAU 24th General Assembly, 7-18 August, 2000, Manchester, UK, URL: http://www.iau.org/ga24.html


 8.11 K分科会(Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine)(資料9-8-K):

  8.11.1 分科会

(1) 第9回分科会、平成12年6月2日(金)、東京大学大学院医学系研究科医用生体工学セミナー室、

 (a) 東京大学医学部腫瘍外科 山口博紀「電磁波がラット脳高次機能(学習・記憶)に与える影響について」

 (b)国立がんセンターがん情報研究部長 山口直人「携帯電話を対象とした疫学調査」

  8.11.2 特別講演会及び共催会合

(1) 第4回国際非電離放射線ワークショップ、平成12年5月22日〜25日、京都リサーチパーク、主催:国際非電離放射線防護委員会(ICNIRP),WHO,日本保健物理学会※URSI K-Commission(共催)、実行委員長:多氣昌生、参加者数:190名(22ヶ国)

  8.11.3 今後の予定(主催・共催学会)

(1) 第7回電磁界の健康影響に関するシンポジウム、平成12年7月18日(火)、仙台国際センター、主催:電気学会 電磁界生体影響問題調査特別委員会※URSI Commission-K Tokyo Chapter他(共催)詳細:http://www.iee.or.jp/emf/emfhp/emfsmp/20000718.htm

(2) International Symposium on Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine、2001年4月2〜4日、東京大学山上会館、主催:URSI Commission-K※Bioelectromagnetics Society(共催)、実行委員長:上野照剛

  8.11.4 今後の予定(関連学会等)

(1) ISAP 2000、平成12年8月21日〜25日、アクロス福岡、関連セッション:Technical Events(Prof. Kuster, 8/21PM)1D2: Biological Effects and Medical Applications

(2) 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会チュートリアル講演、平成12年10月1日、名古屋工業大学、主催:第3種研究会「人体電磁ファントム研究会」※AP研,EMCJ研(共催)

(3) 3rd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism、2001年10月7〜8日、スロベニア、※COST244(欧州の生体影響関連研究の国際プロジェクト)のワークショップも共同開催される.

(4) Millennium Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields、2001年10月17〜20日、ギリシャ・クレタ島

(4) 2nd International EMF Seminar in China: Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Effects、2001年10月23〜26日、中国・西安、主催:WHO、ICNIRP他

(5) WHO, ICNIRP, and IEEE Meetings、2001年11月11〜19日、米国・サンアントニオ

  8.11.5 その他トピック

(1) 郵政省電気通信技術審議会諮問第118号(平成12年5月)、「携帯電話端末等に対する比吸収率の測定方法」、※平成12年11月に答申予定

(2) 英国スチュアート委員会報告、予防原則に基づいた携帯電話(基地局と端末)による電磁波曝露防護に関する政府への勧告(詳細はhttp://www.iegmp.org.uk/)

(3) WHOの見解 (http://www.who.int/peh-emf/)、予防原則について(WHO Backgrounder)、携帯電話による電磁波影響について(上記委員会報告を受けた改訂版:Fact Sheet 193)


9. その他

