電波科学研究連絡委員会 (第17期、第8回) 議事録


日 時:平成12年3月24日 (金) 14:00 - 16:00

場 所:日本学術会議第4部会議室(6階)

出席者:古濱委員長、松本 (全体) 、梅津(A) 、赤池(C) 、堺(C) 、河崎(E) 、岡本(F) 、細矢(F) 、

    小川(G) 、小山(G) 、大村(H) 、井上(J) 、春日(J) 、多氣(K) の各委員 (分科会順)

資 料:

 8-0   電波科学研究連絡委員会議事次第(第17期、第8回)

 8-1   電波科学研究連絡委員会(第17期、第7回)議事録(案)

 8-2   電波科学研究連絡委員会名簿

 8-3   科研費文化細目対応研連について

 8-4   国際会議計画趣意書

 8-5        AP-RASC'01実行委員会(第9回)、論文委員会(第3回)の合同会議議事録(案)

 8-6-S        SCOSTEP 専門委員会報告

 8-6-A A分科会活動報告

 8-6-C C分科会活動報告

 8-6-E E分科会活動報告

 8-6-F F分科会活動報告

 8-6-G G分科会活動報告

 8-6-H H分科会活動報告

 8-6-J J分科会活動報告

 8-6-K K分科会活動報告


議 題:








 松本委員(URSI会長)から、@通信に関する科学委員会のDelogne委員長が、各Commission Chairsからの反応がないこともあり、辞意を漏らしている、AICSUから、ラテンアメリカにおける科学の進め方につき照会があり、共同研究の現状などをまとめて報告した、B5月9〜12日にGentにおいてURSI役員会が開催され、その際マーストリヒト次期総会会場につき改善点を検討する、等の報告がなされた。



(1) 科研費分科細目対応研連について(資料8-3)



(2) その他

細矢幹事から、18期発足へのスケジュールが報告された。それに関連し、松本委員からURSI長期計画委員会のItoh委員長がURSI CorrespondentのQualityを検討している、研連委員のレベルやその選挙方法の現状はどうなっているかとの質問があり、各分科会から口頭で報告があったが、欠席の分科会もあり次回の研連会合に対する活動報告に上記の点の報告を記載することとなった。なお、報告項目については委員長/幹事が用意する。また、関連する電波研連運営細則の審議を次回研連会合で行うこととし、事前に運営細則ならびにURSI定款を配布することとなった。







 6.1 SCOSTEP専門委員会(資料8-6-S):

  6.1.1 第17期第8回SCOSTEP専門委員会(平成11年11月5日開催)

(a) 委員長報告

・7月16-18日に英国でSCOSTEP Bureau Meetingが開催され、新執行体制と将来計画検討委員会の設置が決まった。

・7月25日に英国でSCOSTEP総会が開催され、SCOSTEPが2003-2008年に計画している"The IGY plus 50 years: New Perspective for the Next Millennium" にIUGG等のICSUの関係機関・組織の参加を要請することが決まった。


(b) 小委員会等の活動報告


(c) 各機関等報告




(d) 独立行政法人化及び学術会議改革について(自由討議)










  6.1.2 第17期第9回SCOSTEP専門委員会(平成12年2月22日開催)

(a) 委員長報告





(b) 小委員会等の活動報告



ISCS:NASAのSun-Earth Connection schemeが提唱していた"Living With a Star"計画が2000米会計年度の予算教書に含まれており、同計画が進みそうである。

(c) 各機関等報告




(d) 議題








 6.2 A分科会(Electromagnetic Metrology)(資料8-6-A):

  6.2.1 Principal meetings to have been held recently

(1) 14th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) 14-16 March 20000

(2) 31st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting December 7 - 9, 1999

  6.2.2 International meetings to be held in a year.

(1) Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements 2000 (CPEM 2000) 14-19 May 2000 Sydney, Australia

(2) Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (ASFC)

(3) Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF)

(4) General Assembly of Asia-pacific Metrology Program (APMP)


 6.3 B分科会(Fields and Waves):



 6.4 C分科会(Signals and Systems)(資料8-6-C):

  資料により、2001 Int. Symp. Signals, Systems and Electronicsが紹介された。


 6.5 D分科会(Electronics and Photonics):



 6.6 E分科会(Electromagnetic Noise and Interference)(資料8-6-E):

  6.6.1 Following Domestic Conferences and meetings were ( or will be ) cooperated with Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan or IEICE Japan

(1) On October 21-22, November 26, December 22 and January 18, the technical committee meetings on EMC organized by IEIC were held at Yamagata University, Himeji Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, respectively. The numbers of presented papers were 23, 13, 12 and 18, respectively. The same meeting will be held at Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan on March 21. Also the technical meeting on EMC in electrostatic fields and low frequency EM waves organized by IEEJ was first held at Kyoto University on December 3, where 9 papers were presented.

(2) On January 11 and 12, 2000 62 the Annual Conference of Society of Atmospheric Electricity Japan (SAEJ) was held in Tokyo. Fifty-one papers were presented and about 70 participants joined the conference. Sixty third SAEJ Conference will be held in Akita in coming July.

  6.6.2 International Conferences and Meetings

(1) The second Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM2000) was held on May 3-7, 2000 at Qianhe Hotel, Shanghai, China.

(2) EURO Electromagnetics will be held from May 30 to June 2, 2000 at Edinburgh, UK.

(3) 15th International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from June 27 to 30, 2000 at Wroclaw, Poland.

(4) 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from August 21 to 25, 2000 at Washington DC, UAS.

(5) 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held from September 11 to 15, 2000 at Brugge, Belgium.

(6) 14th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held during February 20-22, 2001 at Zurich, Switzerland. Preliminary manuscript not exceeding 3600 words received by July 1, 2000, Notification of acceptance by September 15, 2000.

(7) The progress in electromagnetics research symposium (PIERS 2001) will be held on July 18 - 22, 2001 at Cosmosquare International Education and Training Center, Osaka.

(8) 5th International Workshop on Lightning Physics (IWPL) will be held Nagoya in September, 2001


 6.7 F分科会(Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing)(資料8-6-F):

  6.7.1 URSI-F 国内会合

(1)第439回 平成11年11月26日、NASDA/EORC、参加者40名(IEEE GRS Tokyo Chapter と合同開催) 

(2)第440回 平成11年12月17日、通信総合研究所、参加者24名

(3)第441回 平成12年1月20日〜21日、岡山大学

(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝播研究会、IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter と共催)

(4)第442回 平成12年3月10日、NTT横須賀研究開発センタ、参加者25名

  6.7.2 今後の開催予定

(1)第443回 平成12年 4月21日、東京工科大学

(2)第444回 平成12年 5月11日〜12日、大阪電気通信大学(電子情報通信学会アンテナ・伝播研究会、衛星通信研究会、 IEEE AP-S Japan Chapterと共催)

  6.7.3 今後開催予定の関連国際シンポジウム

(1)Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation (AP 2000) (Davos, Switzerland,  

9-14 April, 2000)

(2)The IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR 2000) (Alexandria, VA, USA, 7-12, May 2000)

(3)The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000-Spring) (Tokyo, Japan, 15-18, May 2000)

(4)European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2000) (Munich, Germany, 20-23 May, 2000)

(5)Eighth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (Gold Coast, Australia, 23-26, May, 2000)

(6)2000 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 25 June-1 July, 2000)

(7)PIERS 2000 (Cambridge, MA, USA, 5-14 July, 2000)

(8)IGARSS 2000 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 24-28 July, 2000)

(9)The Fifth International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory (ISAPE 2000) (Beijing, China, 15-18 August, 2000)

(10)2000 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2000) (Fukuoka, Japan, 22-25 August, 2000)

(11)25th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves (Beijing, China, 12-15 September, 2000)

(12)The 2nd International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT2000) (Beijing, China, 14-16 September, 2000)

(13)The 11th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2000) (London, UK, 18-21 September, 2000)

(14) The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2000-Fall) (Boston, MA, USA, 24-28, September 2000)

(15)The EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing (EUROPTO) (Barcelona, Spain, 25-29, September 2000)

(16)2000 IEEE AP-S Conference on Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication (APWC2000) (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, 6-8 November, 2000)  

(17)The 7th International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) 2000 (Singapore, 20-24 November, 2000)

(18)IEEE GLOBECOM 2000 (San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 November - 1 December 2000)

(19)2000 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2000) (Sydney, Australia, 3 - 6 December, 2000)

(20) EEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC '2000) (Hyderabad, India, 17-20 December, 2000)

(21)The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2001-Spring) (Tel-Aviv, Israel, Spring 2001)

(22)2001 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (Victoria, BC, Canada, 13-17 May, 2001)

(23)2001 IEEE AP-S International Symposium & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, 8-13 July, 2001)

(24)PIERS 2001 (Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July, 2001)

(25)2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC'01) (Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 August, 2001)

(26)IGARSS'01 (Sydney, Australia, Date TBD, 2001)

(27)The IEEE Annual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2001-Fall) (Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Fall 2001)


 6.8 G分科会(Ionospheric Radio and Propagation)(資料8-6-G):

  6.8.1 International Reference Ionosphere (IRI)

URSI/COSPAR IRI News (December 1999) was distributed to more than 300 ionospheric scientists all over the world. March 2000 IRI NEWS will be issued soon.

  6.8.2 Scientific Rocket

A sounding rocket (S-310-29) was successfully launched at 0550 JST on January 10, 2000 to study the airglow dynamics in the upper mesosphere. The MF radar (CRL) and MU radar (Kyoto University) were simultaneously operated. Ground-based airglow observations at three stations (Yamgawa, Ohsumi, and Uchinoura) were also carried out by Tohoku University, CRL, and Rikkyo University. The data obtained are under analysis.

  6.8.3 International Observational Campaign for Ionospheric Studies

(1) PREASA campaign

The PREASA (Pacific Region Equatorial Anomaly Studies in Asia) is designed to investigate, from a viewpoint of radio communications, dynamics of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly and ionosphere-middle atmosphere coupling. In collaboration with universities and institutes from some Asian countries, the 5th observational campaign was conducted from February 24 to March 14, 2000. Data obtained from ionosondes, ionospheric total electron measurements, magnetometers and others will be used for the studies of ionospheric scintillations and traveling ionospheric disturbances. CRL joined this campaign.

(2) WestPAC campaign

In response to the PREASA, the WestPAC (Western Pacific) campaign was conducted during the period March 1 - March 31, 2000 to study physical processes in the ionosphere from the equator to mid-latitudes. CRL, Kyoto University, and Nagoya University joined this campaign. An ionosonde was temporarily set up on Cebu Island in Philippine.

  6.8.4 Toward AP-RASC'01

Prof. T. Shibata and other national Commission G members are planning the Commission G sessions for AP-RASC'01.

  6.8.5 International Scientific Meeting

International Symp. on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA-10), Turkey, May 16-24, 2000

PSMOS Workshop, Toronto, May 23-26, 2000

22nd International Symp. on Space Technology and Science, Morioka, May 28-June 4, 2000

Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Tokyo, June 27-30, 2000

PIERS 2000, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp., Massachusetts, July 5-14, 2000

33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, July 16-23, 2000

First S-RAMP Conference, Sapporo, October 2-6, 2000


 6.9 H分科会(Waves in Plasmas)(資料8-6-H):

  6.9.1 Research Projects and Budgets

The NOZOMI spacecraft is on the cruising orbit to Mars.  The insertion to the Martian orbit is scheduled in January 2004. Deployment of the long wire-antenna and observation of plasma waves in the interplanetary space are still being considered along with possible risks.   Observations of dc magnetic field, low energy plasmas, ultra violet and extra ultra violet scanners have been successfully carried out in the inter-planetary space.

(R-2) EXOS-D

The EXOS-D (Akebono) spacecraft has attained the 11 years of successful operation without any major troubles.  The regular data acquisition is expected to be continued for at least one more year at stations in Japan, Sweden and Canada, although the data acquisition at Syowa Station, Antarctica will be terminated in autumn 2000.

(R-3) HF radars at Syowa Station, Antarctica
Syowa East radar, looking east of Syowa Station, are operating in continuous basis since Feb. 1997 and collecting good quality of echoes from a long distance up to 3000 km. Syowa South radar has been operating since Feb. 1999, but the echo intensity had been decreased since October, 1999. Recent inspection of the system tells us that the reason of this trouble is mostly attributable to increased loss in the damaged T/R switches of the transmitters. The sensitivity of the south radar is recovered in the middle of March 2000. The antennas for interferometric observation are ready for the south radar, and it will start operation in the near future. These two radars are components of the international HF radar network, SuperDARN. Special modes of SuperDARN observation, proposed by National Institute of Polar Research, are carried out in 1999 and 2000 in collaboration with Geotail satellite (especially magnetopause skimming orbits), EISCAT and related optical observations in Svalbard, all-sky aurora imagers at South Pole and Zhongshan Station in Antarctica.

(R-4) MF radar at Syowa Station
MF radar at Syowa Station has been operating since April 1999. The MF radar had been suffered interferences from the HF radars whose transmitter antennas are located
 several hundreds of meters from the receiving antenna of the MF radar. The interference was cleared away in January 2000 by installing high pass filters at each transmitter of the HF radars.  The MF radar detects wind data of fairly good quality in the altitude range from 100 km down to 50 km at times, and gravity waves and tides are extracted from these data. It is also possible to observe meteor echoes in the altitude range above 100 km, and wind fields are also to be given there.

(R-5) Installation of a new ELF wave instrument
A new ELF observation instrument was installed at West Ongul Island near Syowa Station in January, 2000 to observe electromagnetic radiations from global lightning activities. The observed data are transferred by a PCM telemeter to Syowa Station. The sensor consists of two search coils to detect horizontal magnetic components with an observation range of 0.01-500Hz.
  6.9.2 Domestic Workshops

2nd SPS (Solar Power Satellite) Symposium, November 4 5, 1999.

106th General Assembly of Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS), Sendai, November 9-12, 1999, Sendai

Symposium on Future Planetary Explorations, Sendai, November 12, 1999, Sendai

KDK Symposium on Radio Science and Computer Experiments, March 22-23, 2000.

6.9.3 International Conferences and Workshops

University of Tokyo Symposium in 2000 on Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, Tokyo, Japan, February 29 - March 4, 2000

GEOTAIL Workshop, March 6-8, ISAS, Kanagawa, 2000 

  6.9.4 Future Meetings

SuperDARN workshop, May 23-26, 2000, Victoria, Australia

Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, June 27-30,2000, Tokyo, Japan

33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-23, 2000, Warsaw, Poland

The 24th Symposium on coordinated observations of the ionosphere and the magnetosphere in the Polar Regions, August 1-2, 2000, Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan

ISAP2000, 21-25 August, 2000,Fukuoka, Japan

First S-RAMP Conference, October 2-6, 2000, Sapporo, Japan

IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, 18-30 August 2001 Hanoi, Vietnam

AP-RASC'01, August 1-4, 2001,Tokyo, Japan

 6.10 J分科会(Radio Astronomy)(資料8-6-J):

  6.10.1 Meetings and Conferences (Domestic)

Symposium LMSA and Science in Japan, 7 January, 2000, Science Council of Japan, Tokyo, about 100 participants from related fields and journalism, discussed about large projects from many aspects

Workshop Astronomy in the Next Century promoted by VERA, 6-7 March, 2000, National Astronomical Observatory at Mitaka, about 70 participants, discussed about scientific prospects of a recently funded project VERA

Workshop Interaction between Disk and Jets, 6-7 March, 2000, National Astronomical Observatory at Mitaka, about 70 participants, discussed about fine structures around massive black holes mainly from theoretical point of view

  6.10.2 Meetings and Conferences (International)

International Conference The VSOP symposium on High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space-VLBI, 19-21 January, 2000, Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences, Sagamihara, about 100 participants, presented many images by VSOP observations and discussed about jet structure and mechanisms of its ejection and acceleration

International Workshop LMSA/ALMA Technical Workshop, 17-19 February, National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka and Nobeyama, about 40 participants, presented technical developments on millimeter and sub-millimeter telescope system in Japan, and had a tour to Nobeyama to see newly built sub-millimeter antenna

  6.10.3 Future Meetings and Conferences

SPIE's Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation/Radio Telescopes II Conference, 27 March - 1 April, 2000, Munich, Germany

WRC2000, 8 May 2 June, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey, proposing frequency reallocation between 71 and 275 GHz, and an agenda item for allocation above 275 GHz

  6.10.4. Others

Negotiation has been made for international collaboration of LMSA and ALMA


 6.11 K分科会(Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine)(資料3-9-K):

  6.11.1 分科会

・第7回分科会(平成11年11月22日,日本青年館および平成11年12月10日,大阪技術センター)、シンポジウム:「米国における電磁界の健康影響研究の動向−RAPID計画を中心として−」,Dr. I. Gyuk (DOE), Dr. L. Anderson (PNL), Dr. W. Rogers (Univ. of Texas)(本講演は電気学会電磁界生体影響問題調査特別委員会主催,URSI-K Tokyo Chapter 共催)

・第8回分科会(平成12年3月7日,東京大学大学院医学系研究科)、講演:"Current State of ELF (and RF) Health Research - an Australian Perspective -", Dr. Andrew W. Wood (Swinburne University of Technology)(本講演は URSI-K Tokyo Chapter 特別講演会として電気学会生体影響調査特別委員会と共催)

  6.11.2 AP-RASC


K1.     Mechanisms and Physics

        Dr. Joyner (Motorola Australia) and Prof. Higashi (Osaka Univ.)

K2.     Hazard Assessment

        Prof. Chiang (Zhejiang Univ.) and Prof. Isaka (Tokushima Univ.)

K3.     Biological Effects of DC and ELF fields

        Dr. Wood (Swinburne Univ. of Tech.) and Dr. Shigemitsu (CRIEPI)

K4.     Biological Effects of RF fields

        Prof. Behari (Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.) and Prof. Taki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

K5.     Biomedical Applications

        Prof. Lin (Univ. of Illinois) and Prof. Matsuki (Tohoku Univ.)

K6.     Recent Activities of Electromagnetics in Medicine and Biology in Asia Pacific

Countries.        Prof. Lin (Univ. of Illinois) and Prof. Shogo Ueno (Univ. of Tokyo)

K7/KAB. Dosimetry for Wireless Communications

        Dr. Chou (Motorola Inc.), Dr. Nojima (NTT DoCoMo), and

Prof. Itoh (Hokkaido Univ.)

K8/KE.  EMC Problems Including Biological Bodies

        Prof. Gimm (Dankook Univ.) and Prof. Fujiwara (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)

  6.11.3 今後予定されている国内開催関連会合

(1) 第4回国際非電離放射線ワークショップ(2000年5月22日〜25日,京都リサーチパーク)

(2) 2001 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine (2001年4月3日〜4日,東京大学山上会館)

  6.11.4 国際会議

May 4-5, 2000. Low Frequency EMF, Visible Light. Melatonin and Cancer. Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany

June 9-16, 2000. Twenty-second Annual Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society, The Technical University of Munich, Munich. Germany

June 19-20. 2000. EMF Exposure Guidelines Science Workshop. Brussels. Belgium.

July 5-14, 2000. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Royal Sonesta Hotel. Cambridge. MA, USA

October 1-15, 2000. UNESCO Seminar on Cellular Mechanism of Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Yerevan. Armenia. Sponsored By UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences - Life Sciences Higher Education School (LSIHES)

October 7-8, 2000. COST 244bis Action on Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. 1lth Workshop on Biomedical Applications and Management Committee Meeting. Bled, Slovenia. (http://www.radio.fer.hr/cost244/) 

October 8-12. 2000. 3rd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism & Ist Slovenia-Croatian meeting on Biomedical Engineering. Bled. Slovenia. Submission, deadline I May 2000.

October 17-20, 2000. Millennium Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Creta Maris Hotel, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Sponsored by BEMS and IEEE.

October 23-26. 2nd International EMF Seminar in China: Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Effects, Xian, China MOH, China/WHO/ICNIRP

January 10-14, 2001. Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine 19th Annual Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina.


7. その他

